SSG Matthew Bumpus, U.S. Army

SSG Bumpus, served with the U.S. Army 1996-2005.
He served in Iraq during Operation Iraq Freedom.
Matt died, at age 31, August 2008, from complications of AML. His case with the V.A. has been denied. Matt left behind his beloved wife and sons, as well as many other family and friends. |
Nilton Cacoilo, U.S. Marine Corps
Nilton Cacoilo served as a Helicopter Mechanic and Hazardous Materials Handler during his time of service. Nilton served two tours in Iraq. On November 4, 2009, he was diagnosed with AML. Nilton died March 2010, at age 24, due to complications of AML and Acute Cutis. At the time of his death Nilton left behind his parents, as well as many other beloved family members and friends. |
Sgt. "Jamie" Campbell, U.S. Army
 SGT. Campbell served with the U.S. Army 1985-1997
Served in Iraq in multiple deployments throughout Gulf War.
Jaime died, at age 41, January 2009, from complications of AML. At the time of his death Jamie left behind his wife and children, as well as many other beloved family members and friends. |
SSGT Danielle M. Nienajadlo
SSGT Nienajadlo was medivac'd out of Balad, Iraq on July 29, 2008 with AML. She died March 20, 2009. Danielle worked and lived close to the burn pits. She got sick fast. Danielle left behind her husband and three sons, as well as many other beloved family members and friends. |
 SSG Ochs served with the U.S. Army 1994-2008. He served In Iraq during the Gulf War Operation Iraq Freedom
Steven died, at age 32, in July 2008 from complications of AML. At the time of his death Steven left behind his wife and daughter, as well as many other beloved family members and friends. Service connection to the AML has been denied. Visit Steven's Page. |
Andy Rounds, U.S. Army
 Andy Rounds served with the U.S. Army 2002-2006
He served In Iraq during the Gulf War Operation Iraq Freedom.
Andy died, at age 22, October 2007, from complications of AML.
Andy's case with the V.A. has been denied. |
SGT. Chris Sachs, U.S. Army
 SGT. Sachs served with the U.S. Army 2001-2005.
He served in Iraq during the Gulf War Operation Iraq Freedom. Chris died, at age 38, November 2008, from complications of AML. At the time of his death Chris left behind many beloved family members and friends. You may visit the family site at: |
TSGT Jessica Sweet, U.S. Air Force
TSGT Sweet served with the U.S. Air Force 1997-2009. Jessica served in Afghanistan in 2007.
Jessica died, at age 30, February 2009, from complications of AML.
Jessica left behind a husband and three children ages 2, 5 & 7 at the time of her death. You may visit the family site at: |